
Nigeria's Unity: A Serious Conundrum By Akintade Jesupelumi Victor

I am a Nigerian and I love my country.
Tuesday, 26th June, 2018 was another memorable day in Nigeria, a day of national unity. The day Nigerians forgot about their different ethnic background, religious affiliation and political differences to support the country's national team - the Super Eagles. Sadly, some Nigerians didn't support their national team maybe because of their loyalty and sympathy for one of the greatest footballers of all time - Lionel Messi and some believed that Nigerians have little or nothing to gain if the Super Eagles won the match hence, they supported the Argentines.

On a bright summer night in St. Petersburg, our Super Eagles played with more love and compassion than our leaders have shown in fifty years. The Nigerian team played well, but still lost due to the fact that it is football and nothing is etched in stone. Now that the wave of euphoria attached to the match has passed, the nation as a whole would most probably crumble back into our various dissenting point of views on national issues, without realizing that the unity we held during the football match, could be our salvation out of a state of misery.

As far as problems are concerned, we are plagued with plethora of them. Critically analysing a few of those problems will bring to limelight the fact that many of them are national issues, demanding the unity of the nation for a meaningful change to occur.

Quite recently, lives were cut short; men and women like you, your brothers, your colleagues, your parents, your children. And after a few days of press coverage, the issue losses relevance and dies down, this should not be.

The issue of bad leadership affects us all, yet some 'patriotic' Nigerians would rather seat in their rooms during elections and 'monitor' the election from the comfort of their secured houses, without casting a single vote. Yet when problems arise, these same people are the first to raise dissenting voices castigating the government.

At this point in time, wisdom should be profitable to the wise, and the Nigerian state should by now be wise enough to channel its unity not only in support of our acts on the international scene, but also to correct abnormalities plaguing the very state in which we dwell.

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  1. I wish the national team could be playing everyday so that our unity will no longer be compromised.
