

People often feel disappointed and sad because of the tales of woes, wars and misfortune that the media is saturated with, so it comes as a shock when someone says 'Evil is about 20% of the total occurrence in this world'. Let's look at it together. How many days do you have someone to rob you? Kidnap you or shoot at you? How many days? I am sure it's not many. Even those in war zones have more peaceful days than warring days because war ends.

We have tragic occurrences/moments in our world but we have a great deal of interesting and historic moments. Right now as we read this, people are making love, making money, blessing lives, composing songs, spending quality time with family, having an adventurous experience in some fun resort centres and even right now, the wind is caressing your skin and you have eyes to read this. Right now, your heart is beating. Too many good things that if the media focuses on the 'good' the 'bad' would have no place in the news. So, take a stand, focus on the good and it would amaze you how little the ' bad' really is.

Wake up, talk to God, take in a large chunks of air, listen to your heartbeat, see the beautiful flowers, adopt a pet and above all, visit and 'disturb' friends. You have a great life!

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