

Challenges will always occur and you will think the whole world is against you. Without much ado, you may feel like giving up because you can't take it anymore. Let me tell you this, you are not alone! When darkness shrouds everywhere, dear friend you are not alone. Even when you think you're alone in your room at midnight, don't be taken aback, you are not alone.

There are moments when you want to be out of sight so that your loves ones will not empathize with you hence, you try to find solace in alcohol and other unhealthy activities.

Though I am not an omniscient yet I know you're going through some challenges and I am sure that you have the courage to overcome every challenge. I mean i know you are a conqueror! I know how it feels to cry endlessly because of thwarted hopes and pipe dreams. I know you have found yourself in worst situations; things will get better.

When you think all hope is lost, summon the courage to rise up. You deserve to be happy; you deserve to be the best you can be. Above all, you deserve to share your success story with people around you. In this sense, I look forward to hearing this from you, "I can't believe this! So, I made it at last. I can walk tall and meet those who call me failure and tell them that success has become my other name. My sleepless nights have been adequately compensated, my efforts crowned with success. Let anyone who cares to listen know that I have become the 'Hannah of our time'. How does it feel saying that to yourself? It feels good, right?

To wrap it up, face every challenge with ease, remain calm and be strong. Remember, the downfall of a man is not the end of his life.

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