
Snap out of Excuses; Take the Bold Step

Giving an excuse of being too old or young depicts that you lack courage and confidence.

Living a life of excuses will not only prevent you from reaching your goals but can hold you back from recognizing opportunities, strengths and skills. It can also make you limit yourself to a point and this can make opportunities pass you by.

The act of making excuses about your life and circumstances will make your life an illusion of reality.  Later in life, you wouldn’t be able to take responsibility for whatever happens to you. You keep giving excuses and your life keeps getting worse such that you live in fear and pain. Such people can never deliver. When you give excuse that you don’t have enough money, then you lack the persistence to work towards financial security as well as the plan to achieve financial success.

Giving an excuse of being too old or young depicts that you lack courage and confidence. You are never too young or old to achieve your goals.  You need to inculcate self belief and discipline. When you make the excuse of not having enough time then you lack discipline and focus. We feel that we have so much to do and we never feel that we have enough time to do it. Pay attention to everything you want to do today and tomorrow. Then, you will realize that there are some junks you need to let go of. Choose your task carefully. According to Brain Tracy, "there is never enough time to do everything but there is enough time to do the most important things."

Making an excuse of lack of education indicates that you lack creativity. With the desire in you, you can achieve your dreams. Do not work with excuses otherwise you will never accomplish anything. Your achievements lie in your will power to take responsibility.
It requires a conscious effort to stop making excuses because it is like breaking a habit. You need to be conscious that your problems are yours and don’t blame them on anybody. Take responsibility. You have the power to control your own destiny.

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  1. Wow! Inspiring...nice one

  2. Quite motivational. Keep it up Temixpress
