

#1- Before you can do anything about overcoming your fears, you have to become aware of them. Acknowledge to yourself that they do exist. Don’t try to avoid them or run. In fact, that will only further propagate the fears rather than allowing you to contain them.
If you’ve ever heard the saying that knowing is half the battle, no truer words have been spoken regarding our fears. When we can first admit to ourselves that we’re afraid, whatever it is that we’re afraid of, we can work on overcoming those fears. But without admittitg it, there’s virtually no way to win that battle.

 #2 — Gain a clear picture of what specifically you’re afraid of.
I know that there’s a tremendous amount of pain associated with our fears. However, next to acknowledging their existence, we have to actually gain a clear picture of them. What are you so deathly afraid of? What’s the worst possible thing that could happen to you?Get clear about the fears, but don’t obsess over them. Write them down, but look at them objectively. Write a single paragraph of what that fear is, why it exists, and possibly where it stems from. Do this so that you can further move it out of your subconscious mind and into your conscious mind.

 #3 — Identify all the emotions associated with your fears
Once you’ve painted a clear picture of your fears, identify all the emotions associated with them. Do you feel angry or sad when you think about those fears? Do you feel physically sick, as though you were about to throw up? How does it make you feel? Yes, it’s hard to relive your fears consciously, but it’s an important step in the process.
By identifying all the emotions associated with your fears, you can better understand the ones that are fueling them on a daily basis. What are you most associating your fears with? This is a powerful driver of our actions and behaviors and must be addressed in order to better understand why we do the things that we do, and to better appreciate what holds us back in life.

 #4 — Detach yourself from the emotions by admitting that you’re powerless
Once you’ve identified the emotions associated with your fears, you have to detach yourself from them. For example, if your fear makes you feel sad, instead of saying “I’m sad,” say “I’m feeling sad.” When you identify yourself with a specific feeling, such as angry or sad or nervous, you become closely associated with that feeling, further drawing you closer into it.Admit that you’re powerless over the emotions, but detach yourself from identifying with them. When you do this, the emotions will pass, but your identity will remain intact. You won’t be the sad person anymore, you’ll be a person that feels sad because you’re human. And it will eventually pass and wash over you. Don’t allow it become who you are.

 #5 — Call upon your higher power and your faith to overcome your fears
God is a powerful force in my life. It is because of my faith in Him that I am who I am. But you might not call Him God. You might call Him Allah, Buddha, Mohammed or anything else. You might even call Him the spiritual oneness that connects us all.There’s something about faith that’s so powerful that it allows us to move past even our darkest and deepest fears. And “though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me…” Your higher power is one of the most powerful tools for overcoming any fear.

 #6 — Understand the core of the emotions associated with your fears
Sometimes, we need to get to the core of the emotions associated with our fears. It’s not enough to simply identify the emotions and detach from them, but we have to understand their origin if we’re going to overcome anything. When you begin to trace back the origin of your fears, that’s when the real transformation begins.
Trace back the emotions. Why do you feel angry or sad or scared when you’re in a fearful situation? What’s the true origin of that fear? Every fear-associated emotion can be traced back to a point in our lives. Often, those emotions are associated with our childhood, before we were conscious of the thoughts or memories. Ask for help from others if that’s the case.

#7 — Fill your heart with gratitude and appreciation for what you have
At the opposite end of the spectrum to fear-based thoughts, you’ll find love and gratitude. Gratitude is a powerful way to overcome fear because it makes you focus on the things that you do have rather than living in fear for what can be taken away or happen in your life.
Fill your heart with an utter gratitude for even the simplest things in life. The air that you breath. The heart beating inside your chest. The ability to read or speak a language. The food on your plate. For being six feet above ground. Literally everything. When you focus wholeheartedly on gratitude, little by little, your life transforms over time.

#8 — Physically cleanse your body of toxins for at least 90 days
Toxins can quite literally destroy you. As much as you don’t think they can, they do. They alter the neurochemistry in your mind and release neurotoxins and stress hormones into the body that adversely effect our health. Physically cleanse your body of toxins for at least 90 days. Yes, that long.
I’m talking about a hiatus from everything. Prescription drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, recreation drugs. Everything. Your body is your temple, and the more you abuse it with toxins, the less likely you’ll be able to overcome your fears. But if you worship your body and treat it like the temple that it is, some extraordinary things will happen in your life.

#9 — Cut out refined sugars from your diet entirely
For much of the world, this one is difficult. Sugar is everywhere and in virtually everything. But if you’re careful enough, and you plan accordingly, you can cut out all refined sugars from your diet. This includes soda,chocolate, candies, pastries, pastas and so on.
These have an enormously adverse effect on your health and well-being. They give you a rush and a subsequent crash, taking up a large portion of your body’s energy to process. Avoid refined sugars and you will alter your entire state-of-mind, body, and ultimately, your life.

#10 — Contribute your time and energy to a good cause
Contribution to your fellow man, woman and child, moves you away from fear-based thoughts. You focus on giving to others rather than worrying about your own financial or emotional survival. As much as pain and fear can do a number on us, contribution can do exactly the opposite.
I’m not referring about contributing your money. I’m talking about giving your time to those that are in need. How can you contribute your time to help others around you? If you seek, you shall find. And it’s through that very same contribution that you can shift your focus and realize the importance of other things out there in life rather than your own fears.

 #11 — Use breathing exercises to overcome your fears
The way we breathe, can dictate the way we feel. Shortness of breath relates to a depletion of oxygen to our blood. When there isn’t enough oxygen circulating into the blood, a number of things can occur. The fact is that, as we age, our oxygen levels drop, and much of this has to do with poor breathing habits that we develop through times of stress, anxiety and fear.
If you want to avoid a great deal of stress that’s associated to your fears, use a number of breathing exercises and make them habitual. Use the 4-7-8 breathing technique for this. Touch the tip of your tongue to the ridge of the top of your mouth. Breathe in for 4 counts, hold for 7, and exhale for 8 counts. Continue to repeat this until your fear and stress subsides.

 #12 — Write down and catalog your thoughts to gain perspective on your fears
Journaling your thoughts is a great way to get a handle on your fears while gaining some perspective at the same time. By journaling, you’re analyzing your emotions in the present moment, but reflecting on how they’ve come about. You can do this through stream of consciousness or through careful pondering.
Simply don’t overthink it. Write down how you’re feeling in this present moment. If you’re fearful, describe it. It helps to get it out on paper in front of your eyes. It moves from the abstract into the real world where you can dissect and dismiss those fears easier than when they’re hidden in the subconscious layers of the mind.

#13 — Leverage the Law of Attraction by embracing love-based thoughts
The Law of Attraction is a powerful force to be reckoned with. It weighs in carefully on the pure thoughtful energy that binds us all and either repels or attracts things into our lives. What most people chalk up to pseudo-science is real and exact, and quite powerful for those who know how to hardness this energy.
You can use the Law of Attraction to overcome your fears by leveraging love-based thoughts. Like attracts like, and if your vibrational energy is emanating love and acceptance, then you will naturally attract those things into your life. Do the opposite, and watch as you repel anything good and continue to wallow in your fears.

 #14 — Rely on the support of others close to you for help
Sometimes, we just can’t do it by ourselves. We need the support of others. Don’t be afraid to find a shoulder to lean on. Don’t be afraid to pick up the phone and call someone who can offer a guiding light to you. There’s nothing wrong with it, and although your ego might seem bruised at the moment, it will be thanking you after the fact.

As human beings, we rely on the love and support of others around us. We are emotional beings and we require the love of those around us. So why not lean on them? Others can help to put your fears at bay and give you further perspective from an outside looking in, which can oftentimes make all the difference in our lives

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