

Life is more than what you make of it…Life is more than your mirror and your opinions.
More than your prejudices and your stereotyping.
More than your criticisms and your approvals.
More than your feelings and emotions.
Life is more than the people you know or care about.
It’s not even about your close knit clique.This is what it is all about;all the other people you have not met and their wellbeing.
Life is about thinking about thousands of lives before you.Realizing that your failure might ruin a lot of destinies.
Understanding that you don’t live for yourself alone. So, you have to be ‘dead to self’ Taking up the courage to be a leader even when you are crawling in shackles..
Putting smiles on faces when you are deep in your lagoon of tears.Lighting up a rainbow to take away someone’s dark storms.Most times,it’s about showing people genuine care and love.
Your life is about giving other lives ‘Hope’

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