
The concept of love

Love is life. It is abstract yet it can be felt. It is the invisible element that pierces the heart of man. The whole concept of love is sacrifice;congruence to sowing without expecting harvest. That is, you give without expecting something in return. You can love someone without being in a relationship with the person.

The easiest way to get into love is to give love. The more you give, the more you get in return because what you give others is a replica of what you give to yourself. Before you will be able to give love, you have to feel love from inside. If you are giving love from the standpoint of emptiness, then you are subjecting yourself to receiving the love you never gave to yourself.

Your heart will be open to receive love when you love yourself and others. Otherwise, others will pick up your inner sense of emptiness and this could lead to various unhealthy relationships.

If you are in a relationship with the goal of getting, that relationship won't work well. You must be ready to unleash value for your desires otherwise, you will be subject to the risk of loosing your most prized possession if you have the habit of pressuring people to love you.

If you love someone dearly and the love is not reciprocated simply because the person loves someone else. You can still express love to the person without being really affected by emotional trauma and depression. I mean, you can express love to the person without posing threat to his/her relationship.

According to Kujelaws, 'you can express love to the person's family either the husband or children. That is, I won’t tell the person I love specifically. I will only express love to the kids and husband. It is of importance that if you love a person, you should love the entire family too.'

You can give love by creating quality time for people as well as engaging in a regular and honest exchange of personal feelings. You can also inculcate the habit of listening carefully with keen interest. Really, you can never give what you don't have. So, when you give from the standpoint of feeling love, the more you have to give.

According to Tobi Adelesu, 'Don't shut out love from your life by saying it is impossible to find. The quickest way to receive love is to give; the fastest way to lose love is to hold it too tightly; and the best way to keep love is to give it wings'

In conclusion, to avoid conflict, clash of arms, unsavory remarks and above all hatred, love should be exhibited because it cures all wounds.

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