

The mind capacity is immense and its flexibility is unparalleled as its capacity to make billions of statistical analysis constantly surprises millions of people about its great potentials. 

The human brain consists of cells which are responsible for thinking. What you are thinking about transfers from the brain to the mind. Thus, our thoughts is the product of our thinking.

 It is a clear line of unbroken chains of facts that our thoughts precedes attitudes and character which dictates one's personality. The greatest challenge of man is an effect of the mind such that no matter how appealing the journey is, if a man's mind sees obstacles on the way, the journey becomes difficult.

Man's mind is the pillar of intellectual effectiveness and the centre of one's being. If your mind overcomes the world that settles it and can think beyond the present circumstances, it becomes easy to kick the box and live outside it.

The contention of this short prologue is to establish the consciousness of the power of the mind towards approaching FAILURE.
The excitement gained in life is the experience acquired during the process of challenges.

There's no such person as failure. One's notion of the word 'failure' in the world today affects one's reaction to it which in turn determines one's action when found in such a situation. Over the years, I have discovered that any successful human being has been knocked down several times in the quest to achieve a dream which is the picture of what you want to do, who you want to become and your destination.

Friends, an adage states that experience is the best teacher. A major entanglement in life that makes people conclude that nothing good can come out of them is because they had failed. It is not a taboo to fail; you fail so as to rise. Put it in mind that you gain from your pain. You are not a failure. Failure is not final, It is just a stepping stone which must be made manifest in courage with which you have so as to maintain the struggle over overwhelming odds.

No one can ever know you failed except you remain in the failure of the past. Your personality is not a failure . FAILURE is only an occurrence which cannot define your future. You are a person, failure is an event that is, something went wrong in the process of achieving a goal.

The best approach to this is to critically examine what went wrong, bounce back again and prepare to achieve your dreams.
Collins Powell said,'There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work and learning from failure '.

Don't lose hope until you get your dreams accomplished. You are a god over the past and all the events you used to be subjected to.

The process of looking beyond the event (failure) is to program your mind to visualize your forthcoming achievements. This present generation has the power to alter their lives through the cultures of their mind. You are a by-product of your thinking pattern.

You cannot achieve a goal if you feed your mind with junks. The mystery to unlock your mind power is really no secret at all. Acknowledge the wonder of your incredible mind and trust that you will be ignited to look beyond your circumstances.

   'Quitting positive thinking leads to lack of motivation to act'
Do not look at the present to determine what is yet to come. It is crystal clear that the event of failure cannot determine who you are. Those who are successful today have a pressing forward mentality.
   'Concentration on the event of failure is a tragedy for you'
   Robert Allen made it explicit that 'There is no failure, only feedback '
Therefore, that event is a feedback indicating that you have to come up with a better strategy to realise your goal. That event is not significant enough to stop you. I understand that you have tried to make it work times without number, I know you are afraid to try it again and I know that the fear of failure limits you. Right? But really, failure is not your personality.

You keep getting better and better. Dig deep into the potential of your mind and see the future through the power of your mind. Meditate often on your dreams. It should never be out of your sight and mind. You could turn them into songs... Smiles.

   Robert Goddard said
'Remember that success and failure are not opposite, but they are actually both products of the same process'
The above quotation alludes to the power of the mind to program either success or failure. The power of the mind is the capacity of the mind to stretch, raised to the power of infinity because once you can stretch your mind, then there is nothing stopping your ability to constantly create your goal into reality.

An open mind is needed to boost creative thinking which can trigger potential solutions. Neuroscientists have proven that your brain cannot find solutions if you focus on the problem.

The focus on the failure of the past activates negative emotions in the brain. There is boundless possibilities through the power of thinking. Your mind is the full  grasp of the capacity to achieve success.

 Everything happens in your mind; what you are today and will ever be is a function of your mind. Friends, for you to achieve your full potentials, you must be ready to stretch and move away from the grinding factors that held you back.

The burden is on you to programme your  mind that failure is not your personality. Cheers!     

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