

We've got to have wisdom. Wisdom will keep you safe and make you happier than you thought! So let's agree to live and learn.😊

In the beginning, it feels just like you thought it would but as the relationship progresses you experience disappointment and you feel betrayed or deceived. Yet, rather than allowing the disappointment to uncover the lie and clarify that it's not the man who will make you whole, you are prone to think, maybe this wasn't the man that will make me whole but the next one.🙄
So you schedule another appointment in your heart and take your brokenness into another relationship where you accumulate hurts and wounds because it didn't work out again. So you find yourself searching for the remains of your heart among the ruins of yet another failed relationship. 😔
The rest is history.

Many women have assumed that true happiness comes through relationship with a man. So they postpone their happiness and wholeness until the right man shows up in their life. Whenever they talk about happiness or wholeness, they immediately mention the man who isn't there or a partner who isn't right.  Do you know that you can so wait so long for something you think will bring you happiness and as you fix your gaze on that one desire, you miss your happiness because you don't recognise the present opportunities for joy. Think about it. 🤔

Is your desire for a love relationship from a sense of being incomplete?
The gist is that wholeness is an understanding of your identity, an established feeling of acceptance, value, joy, peace etc. Your wholeness comes from within. It doesn't rely on outward stimuli or circumstances that constantly shift.Wholeness doesn't come from a relationship. I know it is running through your mind that there is a capacity for happiness in a relationship between a man and a woman which is very true.😁
However, your happiness shouldn't be based on another person's participation.

Wholeness is an issue of becoming complete for yourself. The high a woman receives temporary wholeness in a relationship can lead to pursue the wrong man in an attempt to recapture that sense of fulfillment. You must understand that you can achieve fulfillment for your own self. You cannot have a relationship with a complete man by being incomplete yourself.

Don't be a woman searching for a relationship with a man based on the need to feel whole, happy or satisfied. Here is an exercise for you..List five things you want . Look at your list and ask yourself if it will be possible to have these things and still be unhappy. If you are still unhappy, then you are focusing on the wrong list.
Ask yourself if your desire for a love relationship comes from a sense of brokenness. It's up to you when the brokenness circle in your life will end.

Drum rolls😁🥁
You have to break this cycle by spending quality time with yourself, take a practice that centers you, balance your self esteem with your self criticism, develop a daily gratitude practice and show yourself appreciation, go for a treat ( I love this in particular),add value to yourself and most importantly take note that God does a work of wholeness from within us that cannot be affected by outward circumstances.

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  1. A great write up, an eye opener not just for the woman. It's applicable to the men as well, as many of us have so much cling our progress to a lovely relationship. Nevertheless we won't shy away from the fact that Relationship between a Man and Woman is important but shouldn't be a driver of other things that are meant to be working on their own... Thanks Temitope

    1. Of course, it applies to men as well.
      My pleasure @Afolabi

  2. Wonderful write up. Made a lot of sense🙌

  3. Awesome lesson learnt. Thanks for this reminder

  4. I love this!. Beautiful piece, thank you

  5. I must say this is a lovely write up. This will surely inspires us to know what we actually want in a relationship
