
Secrets You Should Always Keep To Yourself

Some of the good qualities of a successful, very liked and happy person are that he is caring, helpful and above all he is transparent. All this points to the fact that most of the things about such a person’s life are like an open book. He does not hide anything – especially from his family, friends and relatives.
Yet there are a few things which one should always keep secret. This is so because telling the world about them however much you share and care  just won’t bring you any good. 

Here are some of the most crucial things you should always keep secret.

Your Future Plans

Your Future PlansIt is first and most important tip. Never reveal your serious planning, especially if it is business plan or personal ambitious plan. Keep silent about these until you’ve actually put them in action and the results after started pouring in. This strategy has many benefits. First it safeguards you from anyone more aggressive or resourceful in picking up your million dollar idea and implementing it better and faster than you.
Secondly, the ideas and plans often have weak links and unnoticed spots which you haven’t noticed. Hence, there are always chances that someone intelligent may pick them improve on it easily and proceed with a more robust and fail proof plan. Since you might have spent so much of time, money, energy on thinking, researching etc. you may now get too disheartened to even try to implement your plan.
Thirdly, there are a lot of people who are good at nothing but only know how to find faults and discourage a person. Since none of the ideas are perfect, if you reveal to them they may kill your motivation, destroying the idea completely.
Fourthly, in the event of failure of your plan (for whatever reason), some people will regularly remind you of your failure and make fun of you. This might dissuade you from trying anything ambitious in future.
The lesson here is that if there is something really important, something that can change your entire life, keep it to yourself. Grow it like you nurture a plant, with care and attention.

Your Goals and Strategies

This is a natural extension of the previous point.
According to a few experiments carried out, telling others your strategies or goals to others satisfies your self-identity and after that you are less motivated to put in the hard work needed. As per the tests conducted, those who kept their intentions secret were more likely to achieve them than those who made them public and were acknowledged by others.
In case you disclose your strategies and goals, you can blame it on “premature sense of completeness” which leaves you lesser motivation to go all out to achieve your goals. In addition, if you fail to achieve, you become a loser, and there are always sadists and enemies who are happy to point fingers at you.

Your Income, Finance and Wealth

This point hardly requires any convincing that you should keep your income, finance and wealth a secret. The harsh fact is that we live in a materialistic world where people constantly judge each other based on income and financial worth. Sadly, other qualities like education, talents, simple living, spirituality are not attached much value.  Even most fair individuals will succumb to judging without even thinking about it.
We all want success, and not failure. In this world, the most superficial form of success is money.  You may prefer to have true friends who do not judge you on the basis of how much money and wealth you have. Rather let there be friendship, bonding and relationship of you being a true human being and your value system.
Discussing incomes usually turns into a “who-makes-more” curiosity leaving you a low feeling and depression because you might find that you can’t afford the things you would like or you deserve to be paid more than them.
If you are earning good money, it is nobody’s business what you earn and how you earn! If you have it, feel good, don’t go and brag about it. People are going to be jealous then they will be around you all day. Money can corrupt friends and relatives.
Also you would not want to seek unwanted attention from strangers / robbers / thieves / donation seekers.

Your Love Life

The only people who should know the intimate details of what goes on in your bedroom are your partner and you.

If you are in a loving, committed relationship such as marriage, keep your intimate information between each other. It's not for the public to know.

Psychotherapy Counselling
We’ve all had problems and bad situations in our lives. And yes, smart and good people come out of it – sometimes on their own and sometimes with the help of professionals like psychotherapists / psychologists / counsellor etc.
There’s no shame about past incidents in your life but this is one of the things you may definitely not talk about with friends, relatives, boss, co-workers – ever. The word may spread like jungle fire. People are quick to form opinions and it may hit you very hard in your professional life including career prospects besides your reputation in your social circle. 

Family Conflicts or Problems in Personal Life

Every family has problems, at one point of time or other. There is nothing to be ashamed of. This could be because of difference of opinion, clash of interest, generation gap, or any other reason. Yet it is never recommended that one goes around revealing the details of the problems in the family or even mentioning that there is a conflict of sorts going on.
Under such situations, always remind yourself that the less you reveal such secrets to outsiders, the safer and peaceful you will be. Keep in mind that family conflicts are usually the result of expelling negative energy and soon will pass. Such things can and should be resolved within the privacy of your own home and between loved ones. 

Your philanthropy, donations to charity

It is not a good idea to reveal the details of your charities. Charitable acts are divine and out of your inner feelings. That it is why one must treasure them. In certain societies, it is always recommended that “your left hand should not know what your right hand is giving”.
Do not neutralize your good karma by bragging about your philanthropic activities because others can label you as a self praising arrogant person.

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