

I have come to realize that there is a general problem that stops people from getting to where they want to be. It’s simply the problem of doing it. You can agree with me that at some point in your life, the fear of trying a new idea has stopped you from creating magic in the way that you imagined. One thing is certain; you’ll never know till you try.

See the true power of fear is what you make of it. Fear is harmless till you make it powerful. Fear is an abstract that only exists in your mind. Fear is you living your life in doubt of your true potentials. Fear is believing that everything is impossible. If everything you do is doubt yourself and push aside every great idea that comes to you, you are the definition of fear.

Stop complaining that you are not good enough or not special enough because you are smart enough to discover enough to take you exactly where you want. In other words, just do it and do it afraid if you have to. If you fail, know that you failed trying then try again. The result always comes out sweeter and better than if you succeeded on the first try. Do you know why? Because you have learned a valuable lesson that will keep you on track for a very long time.

I hope you do not let your dreams die because of fear. I hope you seize the moment when opportunity comes knocking. I hope you do not give-in to discouragement. Let fear propel you!

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