

I’ll start running when the weather is nicer. I’ll start spending time with God  when I’m not overwhelmed by school or work. I’ll start eating healthy tomorrow, but I need cookies tonight… and tomorrow… and the next day. I’ll talk to that I’ll invite people over for dinner when I am finally able to catch a breath. I’ll start volunteering when I have more free time.

Sound familiar? Oh, how uncomfortable I am by the number of time I have used these very excuses. But you see, the weather gets nicer, and I’m still not running. Summer comes, and busy schedules/summer trips seem more important than spending time with my Creator. Tomorrow comes, and my sugar craving is even more intense than the day before. I’m writing this because I think you will continue to make excuses if I don't.You may have a habit of saying that you will start living when less busy, less tired, more motivated but once those moments come, you choose to replace them with something else–and the cycle repeats.

I’m starting to realize that if we don’t start now, we probably never will. We waste our time with meaningless fillers as we wait for the opportune moment to pursue what we want.

What is it that you want to accomplish? Maybe you want to get in shape, spend more time with God, get to know your neighbors, pursue a different job, start a blog… Whatever it is–and believe me, I’m speaking to myself more than anyone else–why don’t you start today instead of waiting for the perfect moment? If you are really honest with yourself, the perfect moment will never come.

Life is busy, distracting,complicated with limitless commitments and to-do lists that threaten to steal our time and attention.

You probably won’t be able to accomplish it all at once, but you’ve got to start somewhere. Besides, it’s much less intimidating to start small. Go for a short jog,wake up ten minutes earlier to just talk with God about your concerns, joys, fears,make a smoothie instead of reaching for another cookie..
Start with something small, and start today–or you probably never will.

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