


Creative people see the world through their own lens. They are often misunderstood or misjudged, but the truth is that their minds and hearts are very unique and they possess a multitude of characters and behaviors inside them. Even though creative people are very different from each other, they still share similar traits and behaviors.

1.They overthink everything. Creative people are always fueled by curiosity and inspiration. Looking for the next best idea and thinking of new ways to change the world. No matter what they do, they are always daydreaming, thinking, and making plans in their heads.

 2. They are insomniacs. Creative people will never have a good sleep regimen or sleep early and wake up early. They could be up all night and asleep all morning or vice-versa. When inspiration hits them, they have to wake up for it – no matter what time it is.

3. They know how to turn simple things around. Give them a simple idea or a simple project and see how they turn it around into something extraordinary. They have the ability to find the intricacies of things and bring them to life.

4. They need introspection. They need their solitude and time to be alone with their thoughts. This is how they recharge and reflect on their lives and their decisions. This is also when they produce their best work or find the greatest ideas.

5. They follow their passion or their heart, even if they fail, even if the whole world is telling them not to, creative people listen to their hearts and follow their passion and curiosity.

6. They are moody. On the darker side; creative people can be moody. Shifting between several moods a day depending on what is happening inside their restless minds.

7. They have a love-hate relationship with their work. They can love it one day and hate it the next. They can feel like they just produced a masterpiece and then feel like they want to throw it away. It’s a paranormal activity that can’t be explained, but it’s part of their lives and they just learned how to live with it.

8. Their creativity thrives on humor and fun experiences. They can put themselves in goofy or childish situations because these situations make them feel alive, and sometimes that’s all they need.

9.They are not afraid to try. Even if they are not 100% confident or they don’t really believe in themselves, they are willing to push the envelope and put themselves out there to try something new even if it’s not likely to succeed.

10. They never give up. Even when they fail, even when they are running out of ideas, even when they are not finding inspiration, they still fight for it, they still try to find it, they do whatever it takes to make things work. They don’t give up on their dreams and they are not afraid to do it all over again.
Be creative!

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